Wednesday, January 14, 2009

My dad wrote this piece of Nonsense Verse many years ago - still love it to this day

'Twas the fifty first day of Septober
In the year Eighteen Fried Fish and Chips,
When a burglar had stolen a tunnel
To ruin rich people's cheap trips.
I turned on the light in the parlor,
And as I sat there in the dark,
A voice call out "Man the lifeboats!"
For a ship had been sunk in the park.

Another poem I wrote; this one is about the hazards of sunbathing

Be like vampires, shun the sun
'Cos that is ager number one
Some people think getting a tan is clever
But the sun can damage your skin forever!
So - never sunbathe for fashion's sake,
Or else you're making a big mistake.
And when you're out in sunny weather - get your skin care act together!

This is a poem that I wrote about the benefits of milk

Milk they say is good for you - it helps your bones to grow
And some milk has the fat reduced, so calories are low.
But in that most essential thing, the mineral Ca,
It's truly high, and that is why, I drink it every day.

Note: Ca is the chemical symbol for Calcium